Virtual Galleries

The Castle

The Castle was created from in the late spring of 2023, and was my first attempt at modeling a 3D space. The main inspiration came from some Minecraft builds I had seen online as well as a general idea of a "Evil boss lair" similar to that of Bowser's castle from the various Super Mario games. My thought process was essential "If I was a villain in a video game, what would I want my castle to look like?"

The interior of The Castle was filled with a wide range of art work that I've created throughout the years, though many were scaled up in size. The works included a few of my 3D modeled figures, multiple of my digital pieces, and traditional drawings with the latter two being scaled up in size to fill up more space and show off the details.

The Mushrooms

Similar to The Castle, The Mushrooms gallery is a 3D modeled craftsman style house meant to house some of my more recent artwork; this included the addition of some sculptures that were 3D scanned as well as some pieces made specifically for my portfolio based on aforementioned sculptures. The Mushrooms gallery was created early spring of 2024, and was my second attempt at modeling a 3D space, this time with more thought on the surrounding environment as well.  

Aside from craftsman houses, the inspiration for this gallery was far more generalized than the previous. Going into the project I knew I wanted to create a sort of fairy forest with giant glowing mushrooms growing every where. I had originally wanted to make the gallery itself a giant mushroom, but decided on the craftsman style house instead so there would be more space, and room for a second floor. The mushroom houses were still included but just as decoration rather than actual gallery space.

Both virtual galleries were created using a combination of the programs Rhino3D, Blender, and Unreal Engine.

Floor Plans & Mushrooms' Interior